BiCon teams work hard to make BiCon as accessible as possible and we are proud of our long history of making access a priority for everyone across the event. My name is Matt and I'm Access Officer for 2011, and I've just finalised the Access Report for this year which can be found at /venue/access-report/. You can mail me at email address removed if you have any questions about the report or any other access issues.
After two successful site visits we have now completely overhauled the access report to include all the areas of the site we are using and take account of any changes since 2008, so it should hopefully cover nearly everything you might want to know.
BiCon 2011 is taking place at the same venue that was used for 2008 with an additional building, Shirley House, being used to give us more accessible session space. The report covers all of this with some swanky maps designed by Natalya.
As ever in order to be comprehensive and informative to as many people as possible this report is very in depth and contains a lot of information. We recommend it to everyone, even if you don't think you have any special access needs, and not just for the splendid maps. Of course if you would prefer to talk about your access needs to us directly or if you require further specific info, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Although we aim to make BiCon as accessible as possible, we cannot do this without your input. If you do have accessibility issues, particularly if they are not covered in our report, please let us know as soon as you can, if possible on your booking form, and if it's a question that other people would also benefit from we'll update the report to cover it.
We hope you find the information provided in the report helpful and that it enables you to make the best possible choices you can about your BiCon.
Please email me at email address removed if you have any other queries or comment below.