People come to BiCon with different experiences and ideas of how to behave and how they expect others to behave. To minimise misunderstandings and unwanted behaviour at BiCon we have a Code of Conduct which outlines what each one of us has a right to expect from other attenders and what is expected from you as an attender yourself.
We ask that each one of you (whether a first timer or someone who is returning to BiCon) takes the time to read 2011's redrafted code of conduct before BiCon itself. It is the equivalent of 2 A4 pages of 12 point text (just over 1100 words including headers) and there is also a 6 and a half minute MP3 version for anyone who would prefer to listen to it being read out at the top of the page. It will be sent out to each registered attender shortly before BiCon and copies will be displayed at BiCon itself.
Regardless of whether you have read or listened to the Code of Conduct, when you complete your registration for BiCon by signing for your pass you will be signing to say that you agree to abide by it.
We the organisers want everyone to have a safe and happy time at BiCon and we hope the Code of Conduct helps to make this possible for everyone.