
BiCon usually pays for itself through registration and accommodation fees, but sometimes it's a close run thing, and there's always more we want to do. Donations to the equality fund are always most welcome, and all donations that are marked for this will be used to help people attend BiCon and not for anything else. Some other things that donations can help with are:

  • Publicity – you could sponsor a flyer, an ad or a stall at a Pride event
  • Food – sponsor a cake! Or a crate of bananas (fair trade, of course)
  • Merchandise – we hope to have some T-shirts and other merchandise available. You could sponsor some of these, or just wait till they come out and buy lots, but if you're interested in anything in particular do let us know so we know that there's a demand.

Donations in kind

BiCon needs (or can make use of) lots of things, from stationery to any spare marquees you happen to have lying about. We can't guarantee to be able to transport or store them, but if you have decorations for the dance hall, craft materials, board games, a portable printer or laminator or about a mile of purple ribbon, let us know and we'll do our best to think of a use for it.

How to Donate

You can donate by cheque, BACS or using the PayPal button below. If you want any of your donation to be for any particular things, please make sure you let us know as unmarked donations will go into general funds.

Please click the button below which will take you through the process of putting the money into our PayPal account.

Our bank details for BACS are:
Account name: BiCon
Bank: Natwest
Account number: 10022694
Sort Code: 602469

Please put your surname or "donation" into the BACS reference field so we
can identify your payment. If you want it to go to the equality fund please also add "EQF" so that we know what it's for.

Please make cheques payable to “BiCon” and send them to us at BiCon 2011, BM BiCon, London, WC1N 3XX.

Alongside your BiCon booking
Alternatively you can fill in the box on your booking form and add the donation to your booking payment.

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