This year, the theme of the Ball is a little different, in that it is a period of time. This has left a few people (not least your esteemed organisers) scratching their heads over what to wear.
So we put our heads together and came up with a few ideas. All ideas are only suggestions: a jumping off point if you will. No one has to dress up if they don’t want to.
Flappers and Jazz babies
– dropped waist dresses, fringing, long long pearls and long cigarette holders.
– suits, top hats, bow ties, oxfords or wingtip shoes, zoot suits
Characters from the era
– Marple, Poirot, Batman, Superman, Zorro, Betty Boop, Lone Ranger, Winnie-the-Pooh, Universal’s horror stars eg Frankenstein and his bride, Dracula and The Mummy, and don’t forget Biggles!
Sadly, owing to the period, there were very few positively portrayed people of colour in fiction, and female characters were often stereotypical, however you can always become your own fictional character!